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Hemp Stink is Where You Find It.

… Northridge Laboratories, a division of our publisher, is developing an enhanced technology that could make life a lot easier for growers–and the people around them.

Hemp plants, cousins to marijuana, release strong smells as their flavor-producing terpenes reach maturity. The scent of even a few rows of plants can travel a quarter mile.

On national scale, odor coming off the plants has become a “hot-button” issue with complaining neighbors. We examined the issue for over two years from the perspective of the environment to ease relations with the community. The industry has rejected our attempt to “control odor” and rebuffed on the premise that “the cost would reduce profit margins.” We believe that plant order will compromise the industry and create a backlash from the community and voters. Who wants a “dump” next to your property? State legislators will enact rules more burdensome that necessary.

Our solution is to correct the problem now. The remedy is an odor-capturing platform for cannabis, which is a customized version of a waterless vapor-phase system that specifically addressed the needs of hemp and marijuana farms. Our waterless vapor-phase system, known as “REEKSAVE™”, releases a mist of an odor-neutralizing vapor into the air, working sort of like a high-tech, industrial-grade spritz of Febreze. In this case, the vapor binds specifically with the fragrance compounds found in cannabis terpenes. Our platform consists of drones, which are aerial platforms from which to do dispense the vapor during the “flower budding cycle.” Moreover, the drones data collection function with mounted sensors such as cameras, LIDAR, and odor meters.

During this winter and next spring, we will be testing a gas electric hybrid drone with 200 pound load capacity (25 gallons) for hemp harvesting applications in August, 2020.

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