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... unless you're a groundhog.

The groundhog delivers its prediction and disappears. Being right 50% of the time is not bad for a groundhog, much less an internet oracle or newspaper astrologer. In business your negative if only correct 50 percent of the time. To be successful, corporate decisions require 67 percent accuracy to remain in business. Based on our assessment, all hemp and cannabis ideas must be at least 73 percent accurate because of the surfacing regulations and uncertainty from conflicting federal and state rulings. For this reason, spending on long term projects must be made with predictability rates above 80 percent. Fortunately, we have an algorithm that offers some stability in decision making.

Even though testing accuracy is skewed when applied against indefinable data points that are subject to interpretation, we have identified from our web-pages news articles...

and commentaries that predicted the outcome of events that were accurate 94% of the time. Awkwardly, whether the statistic represents an anomaly is also subject to clarification. Be as it may, the analytics behind our surveys and assessment is an algorithm called Subjective Probability+ Game Theory Model (SP+GTM). We can obtain data points on any event concerning hemp or its spectrum of influence to determine the “best guess” as to what may happen in the future. Nothing available today has a better performance record. By being able to take any circumstance and determine the likely outcome is priceless and gives the user a significant advantage in ways we are still learning to access.

The commitment of hard dollars for any project can effectively be evaluated if the likelihood of a given future event can be guessed at with a degree of accuracy. We now may have a tool that prevents us from squandering opportunities and prohibits wasting precious resources. With SP+GTM, we can “pick our spots” and protect against failure. Whether future assessments are as accurate as past results are not known, but based on the four years of algorithm use, the results are unbreakable proof of its worth.


Don't head down the rabbit hole.

Our belief in SP+GTM is focus on the current state of affairs and interpretations of what is really happening in terms of dollars and sense. No other situation in recent history has more consequences than the emerging cannabis and hemp industries. It is estimated in the last seven years, $150 billion has been committed by non-government entities on expectations. At least 57 percent of the funds have been misapplied and values underestimated by evolving federal and state regulations, false assumptions, disinformation, limited or incomplete academic research, unreliable management and overenthusiastic speculators foiled by convoluted expectations and facts. Ironically, nothing has changed, except the circle continues to expand and affects more and more participants; each believing that success is guaranteed. As for the original players, they are either gone or hanging-on, praying for a miracle just to break-even. The second, third and fourth rounds of funding are also in the rabbit hole. Propaganda remains the primary agenda for attracting new capital. More than $25 billion has been added to the pot in the last 12 months. From SP+GTM’s perspective, most of the new money is destined for the rabbit hole.

To give a face to all the negativism further weakened by truth, the only viable statistics are from documents disclosed by the regulatory filings of public companies. No other source is more reliable, because, by law, companies who solicit funds from the public are compelled to submit current financial statements, disclose in detail their activities and what they did with shareholders’ cash. In other industries, information sources are plentiful. There’s an old maxim, “In business when you make money, everybody knows. When you lose, the reporting sources are legal documents.” Reliable financial information is not readily available in the hemp or cannabis sector. The very nature of its existence, effectively illegal for most of the last 100 years and currently a major force in the black market with 80 percent of all sales, cannabis doesn’t have a proper pedigree for reporting reality. Consequently, the file data we possess of 109 public companies in the USA and Canada, offers a disturbing reference: Not one cannabis or hemp centrist public company in business at least two years has a positive cash flow from operations.

This simple fact begs a question:

How do they remain in business?

By selling more and more stock (paper) to the public. Indeed, floating equity increases capitalizations without the benefit of earnings per share. The result is overpriced stock with little or no potential, eventually causing a worthless investment. All the public companies in our hemp/cannabis database will not exist in their present form in three years; most will be reorganized, and their assets sold off. However, survives with a revised viable business model would have easy pickings and emerge as a major factor in the hemp/cannabis sectors. With the use of our algorithms, especially a modified SP+GTM to capture nonpublic documents available under the Freedom Information Act, Northridge Corporation plans to avoid the rabbit hole.

Our long term focus is to emerge as a successful company in food and beverages industry.

Will we make it? Only timing, luck and a prudent Business Model knows for sure. 1/

As a reference point: The global food and beverage market was estimated to be over $5650 billion as of 2017.


1/ Since Northridge Corporation filed with the SEC to sell stock a disclaimer is necessary. Northridge Corporation or its management has no idea if we are smart enough, bold enough, or rich enough to make it to first base, but we'll try with all our might to be successful and return to our shareholders all the value we can generate or go bust in the process. Like a lottery ticket, it's only good if the numbers come out. We are not talking desperation, only enthusiasm.

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