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CONCLUSION: WEEKLY REVIEW / Memorable Trades. "We forecasted the results."

G-101 SPM AI algorithm Mascot
G-101 SPM AI algorithm Mascot

G-101 SPM AI algorithm has demonstrated with full transparency 1/ that an initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 can generate $587,060 in net gains in ten weeks; nine up weeks and one down week (see: results below).  We forecasted the results based on our G-101 SPM AI portfolio accuracy rating of 89.05% on 2649 picks from March 9,2023 to December 31, 2024.

Indeed, the success of ten weeks of “Memorable Trades” proved that the stock market is rigged, and everybody knows it.

We even when as far as offering $5,000,000 if anyone or firm can duplicate the results on the next 1000 picks. We received over a dozen inquiries; all noise. Our conclusion – G-101 SPM AI algorithm proved that non-human intervention by an analytical dotbot is far superior to the other kinds. The rise of generative AI (GenAI) models, like OpenAI’s GPT, have accelerated our transformation. In the process we have become Number One in non-human investment/enterprise analytics. Our tools do more than process data, G-101 SPM AI generates world-class content, fully automated workflows, and unlocks insights in ways traditional AI may have difficulties in matching.

According to our platform, other AI systems don’t seem advanced enough to put human stock pickers out of business on Wall Street. As for G-101 SPM AI, the proprietary algorithm is an investment predictor that gathers data from 129 preset sources and presents the values as a SPM matrix number. The database tracks over 5215 individual stocks with each one carrying a "floating" SPM tag. The higher the value the greater the subjective probability of the collective data being accurate. The keys to our systems are the “accuracy of the data; how it was originally generated; and its credible purpose.

 In the sequencing of our subsets, which less than a third relates to fundamental and technical analysis, G-101 SPM AI is programed to uncover certain anomalies that may suggest stock manipulation by artificially inflate or deflate stock values.  Incongruities that imply unison trading synthetically creates momentum shifts in stock values, acting like a fishing lure to trap investors. The assumption to these proscribed tricks uncover by our proprietary database is to trade these anomalies as “best guess scenarios” or setups of predictable behavior behind the manipulation. Since G-101 SPM AI discovers these irregularities after the fact, trading the “wave” to its probable inference appears to be one of the main reasons why the algorithm is so accurate in its conclusions.  

From our collective findings three credible “truths” are apparent: First – The stock market is rigged on a short-term basis; Second – Short term stock traders, on average, lose more than 50% of their invested capital; Third – long term investing on fundamentals is the safest means to generate capital gains with limited risk.

CONCLUSION: The exceptional results that our algorithm produced to date are not normal and far exceeds the conventional wisdom of stock investing.  Data traction, source modeling and hidden agenda formulations are the investigative tools behind the algorithm’s success. Without G-101 SPM AI platform or a similar medium, investors should not be in the stock market as short-term traders and only accumulate equities or their equivalent for the long term.

note: 1/ Each stock pick is time stamped as to price and circumstances as declared by the Stocktwists platform. 



 WEEKLY REVIEW / Memorable Trades


December 30, 2024, to January 3, 2025, 4:00 PM.

 For this week an initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 yielded $137,009.


 December 23, 2024, to December 27, 2024, 4:00 PM.

For this week the initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 turned into a FAT PROFIT of $49,861.


 December 16, 2024, to December 20, 2024, 4:00 PM

 For this week the initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 turned into a LITTLE FAT LOSS of $3,364.


December 9, 2024, to December 13, 2024, 4:00 PM.

For this week a hypothetical investment of $10,000 yielded $18,564.


 December 2, 2024, to December 6, 2024, 4:00 PM.

 For this week an initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 yielded $100,965.


 November 25, 2024, to November 29, 2024, 1:00 PM.

 For this week an initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 yielded $13.959.


 November 18, 2024, to November 22, 2024, 4:00 PM.

 For this week an initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 yielded $83.273.


 November 11, 2024, to November 15, 2024, 4:00 PM.

 For this week an initial hypothetical investment of $10,000 yielded $24,328.


 November 4, 2024, to November 8, 2024, 4:00 PM.

 For this week an initial investment of $10,000 yielded $99,192.


October 28. 2024 to November 1, 2024

An initial investment of $10.000 produced $63,273.14

MISSION STATEMENT:  To prove that non-human intervention by G-101 SPM AI algorithm, an analytical dotbot, is far superior to the other kinds. The rise of generative AI (GenAI) models, like OpenAI’s GPT, have accelerated our transformation. In the process, we have become Number One in non-human investment/enterprise analytics. Our tools do more than process data, G-101 SPM AI generates world-class content, fully automated workflows, and unlocks insights in ways traditional AI may have difficulties in matching. 














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