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If you didn’t obtain the free copy of the 2021 STOCK PICKS and S&P 500 INDEX FUTURE DIRECTIONAL FINDER on January 21, 2020, you lost big time. As for the 3,579 individuals who obtained the Bulletin, congratulations for being smart.

Now for the rest of the story: On January 21, 2021, G-101 projected a massive S&P 500 index correction from 3855 to 3577 in the near term before a period of consolidation to “recalculate future trends.” The assault on the downside has begun with the S&P 500 index off 4.9% since the Bulletin’s posting.

G-101 identified (02.21.21 2:30 pm) a dangerous trend in trading patterns featuring stocks that had abnormal short positions. SPM (Subjective Probability Model) rating showed ranges not seen in the last three years. The highest tag since January 21, 2,021 was +89.9 for Nvidia Corporation (NVDA) at $263.60 on May 1, 2020. **

**1.29.21 NVDA is $522.86.

Even when we modified the reliability by 35% of the G-101 algorithm when the data fields relied only on U.S. based sources (available from services or commentaries posted or designated after 4:00 am on the date the data is gathered and processed), the “tag” as a single unit had established the following conclusions.

rating pick price current price

AMC AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. +91.11 2.98 13.87

GME GameStop Corporation +91.09 43.03 328.52

KOSS Corporation +90.06 3.54 80.85

PBI Pitney Bowes Inc. +89.91 7.05 9.88

TLRY Tilray Inc. +89.89 17.92 18.38

BBBY Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. +89.89 26.17 35.29

We believe the tags would have been higher if the G-101 functioned from data sources of all markets and locations on a 24-hour supply curve, the time-sensitive and intuitive conclusions would have been reliable to a factor of 09.83, which means a 90.17 SPM (Subjective Probability Model) rating would have been the base value. 23 additional tags would have added to the list.

In the future, G-101 algorithm will be launched as CrystalBallTraders to uncover probable variances, whether long or short. G-101 applies a subjective probability “best guess” model to generated élite information by abstract means. Strands of data are assembled into “tags” to isolate trading patterns and unravel the intent of investors.

CrystalBallTraders use G-101 tags to calculate the intrinsic value of the information. As an example: G-101 tag above +SP85 indicates an 85% upside subjective probability that insider information trading is in progress to cause value changes in a specific stock. Conversely -SP85 suggests a downside devaluation.

Consider G-101 as a digital detective. In general, detectives have accredited police officers who investigate crimes; collect information by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting physical evidence, or searching records in databases to arrest criminals. G-101 functions as a detective that uses proprietary databases, computer modeling, and applied research skills to uncover anomalies in trading patterns and other inconsistencies that can materially affect markets and individual stock movements.

Register your "Indication of Interest" to qualify for a free- 30day trial of CrystalBallTraders. Upon launching CrystalBallTraders would cost $1,000 per month with a 100% guarantee if G-101 algorithm stock conclusions were not 87.5% accurate.

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