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Apparently not, if you’re investing in Wall Street paper. As for our readers who are paying attention to and following our pages, you are on the right end of making BIG MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET.

Let’s step back to September 6, 2022, to understand what big money looks like and how it’s made:

G-101 algorithm flashed a major anomaly on September 6, 2022, at 9:30 am

as the S&P 500 index opened at 3994, declaring:

Apply +SP 91.01. The [S&P 500] index is being positioned for a major upside move that appears contrived since the international markets leading to the USA morning premarket and opening are focused on the major 50 stocks that had material declines since January 2022. [The targeted fifty stocks were named, which on average, increased 9.24% in five days.]

These questionable activities boosted our proprietary subjective probability rating to +SP 91.01, which declared that the index would advance 91.01%

of the time over the near term.

Our conclusion from a layperson’s perspective was that the stock market was being manipulated for the direct benefit of institutional and major investors at the expense of the general public. Additionally, over 73% of the key investment houses broadcasted buy or hold recommendations, which a few days later was a major mistake that caused retail investors to lose $2.6 billion.

On September 12, 2022, at 9:30 am the S&P 500 index opened at 4083, declaring:

Apply -SP 76.25. The [S&P 500] index is being positioned for a downside move based on the high level of large block crossing into open positions, while retail investors had reentered the market on the buy side. Overall volumes are being stressed as rebalancing is not sufficient to sustain the current rally. Take profits in all open positions/ increase cash position to 60%. Note: -SP 76.25 means the subjective probability of the S&P 500 index was that the likelihood of the index to decline in values was 76.25%.

As events occurred on September 13, 2022, the G-101 algorithm proved correct in its assessment of the S&P 500 index. However, these results are not a one-off moment, but a unique way to review the stock market from the perspective of an insider that never loses.

Wall Street’s take:

Biggest One-Day Loss in this Bear Market

Stocks plummeted and government bond yields soared on Tuesday, as investors were once again caught off guard by the persistence of inflation in the United States and quickly shifted their views on what the Federal Reserve may need to do to combat rising prices. It was the latest in a string of surprises that have undercut investors’ optimism and left them rapidly adjusting to a gloomier outlook on the path for interest rates and the economy.

The S&P 500, which had been trading higher in the hours before the data was released, slumped 4.3 percent by the end of the day, its biggest drop since the depths of the coronavirus pandemic in June 2020. The slide stood in stark contrast to gains in recent days. The index had climbed about 5 percent in the week leading up to the report, as investors had increasingly bet that the Fed would be able to cool inflation without tipping the economy into a severe downturn.

But the faster-than-expected inflation numbers showed that broad-based price pressures remain. Every sector in the S&P 500 index fell as investors reconsidered how much the Fed may need to raise interest rates, which makes borrowing more expensive for consumers and companies. The Nasdaq Composite stock index, which is full of tech stocks that are seen as more sensitive to rising interest rates, fell 5.2 percent, its worst day since June 2020.

Following Tuesday’s drop, the S&P 500 sits 17.5 percent below where it started the year and about 7 percent higher than its low point in June. The day’s turmoil was another upset for investors in a summer characterized by choppy trading and shifting expectations. Better-than-expected earnings, along with some signs that inflation may have peaked, had helped lift stock prices in July and early August.

The spin: Expectations are shifting again. Some investors are even starting to price the possibility that the central bank could lift interest rates by a full percentage point, increasing borrowing costs by the most since 1984. Among them is the Japanese bank Nomura, which in just the past week has shifted from predicting the Fed would lift rates by half a percentage point, to three quarters, to a full point on Tuesday. “We continue to believe markets underappreciate just how entrenched U.S. inflation has become and the magnitude of the response that will likely be required from the Fed to dislodge it,” the analysts wrote in a research report.

You get the red flag:

G-101 algorithm remains the only reliable source to understand the truth in a world of alternative realities. Wall Street in its many flavors and forms is the biggest gambling casino in the world, with manipulators in all stripes and shapes. Inside information made them rich, yet it remains illegal in most quarters. But… and a big but…. If G-101 can sniff out these illegal investment patterns and conspiracies, why not “ride the wave” after the fact by milking the data “they” leave behind and use it to MAKE BIG MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET?

Yes! That’s what G-101 is all about – a legal tool that has the capacity of deciphering what the other guy is doing after the shovel hits the dirt and knowing beforehand that a guaranteed pot of gold is waiting. G-101 can identify the shovel.


Or are you the type of investor who likes to lose?

Don’t rely on ignorance and confidence to ensure success.




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